
Archive for November, 2007

The New TV

In a word, wonderful.

Since we’re not joining the ranks of the turn-off-your-TV crowd anytime soon, I have to say that we love it.  When M. found out that that’s what we were getting for Christmas, he got giddy.  M.  Got giddy.  Y’all don’t know him, but one thing he doesn’t generally do is “giddy.”  He can have the most sublime meal ever and walk away saying it was “good.”  In fact, “good” is high praise from him.  “Pretty good” means terrific, and “good” means fabulous.  “Not bad” means “pretty darned good” – you get the idea.  He is many things, but demonstrative is not among those things.

And even when he heard about the TV, he didn’t jump up and shout “Great!” (although he might have been hard-pressed to jump up anyway, and maybe that has something to do with his overall understated reactions to things).  Rather – and this is how I knew he was giddy – he started obsessively looking up information about upgrading our satellite service to HD.  And he kept reporting back to me about new things he’d discovered during the day.  He actually blew off time working on his paper for class to look these things up.  All of which translates to “giddy as a schoolgirl.”

And we’re now enjoying it.  We can’t actually upgrade our satellite service until we get through the backlog of “Dexter” episodes on the DVR (M.’s also making noises about getting through all the “Enterprise” episodes, but since we’re watching those in the interests of “completion” and not “enjoyment,” I’m prepared to let them go), which probably won’t be until after 2.0 makes his appearance.  But, in the meantime, I’ve been enjoying calibrating the picture and sound, and M.’s been enjoying me doing these things (one of the weirder things we have in common is being very, very anal about TV picture/sound quality.  I have a story about this…but I’ll save it for another day).

And, in other unrelated news, BP is still holding it’s own at 36 weeks even.  Yep, I’m now officially 9 months pregnant.  Because they don’t tell you that pregnancy is actually 10 months long.

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Apparently, they’re taking out the only elevator at M.’s station (the one near the house) from now until February. The next closest station is a pain in the butt to get to, and takes longer to boot. Pffffffft. The “modernized” elevator had better have a transporter device or something.

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Just a quickie

BP: good.

Diss: well, I did some helpful reading yesterday while M. was keeping an eye on MM, so that’s something. I keep kind of hoping that the piece of crap I will inevitably send to the diss group on Friday will get me booted, although M. pointed out that it will probably read more like a cry for help.

My Dad is here today being very generous with both his time and energy; we have a biggish yard here at our rental place, and the trees finally gave up enough leaves that it made sense to take care of them (the big oak in the backyard still has about half its leaves, but if we wait for them to fall it’ll be February before we get to the yardwork). Since M. is definitely not a yardsman by any stretch of the imagination (his tales of childhood lawnmowing notwithstanding), and since I’m pretty much down for the count, physically, my Dad agreed to come over and do the leaves and mow the grass. It’s looking so much better out there now.

He also replaced the air filter, fixed the gas exhaust so that we don’t all die in our sleep (we do, for the record, have carbon monoxide detectors…I like cooking with gas, but otherwise I hate the stuff), and got down the bassinet, infant carseat, and bouncy seat from the attic. Since mice had apparently taken up residence in the two seats, I’m running them through the wash. The carseat instructions said “hand wash,” so I put it in the delicate cycle. I’m sorry, but I don’t trust my own hand washing, you know?

I also managed to track down my hand pump (which, frankly, always worked better than the expensive-to-rent electric one, and really wasn’t that big of a pain in the ass – the electric one was much more of a bother) and I need to get out the little bottles, just in case we have latching issues.

Meanwhile, 2.0 is trying to find a way out through the upper part of my abdomen. I’m not quite sure how to communicate the idea that it ain’t gonna happen.

AND, lest I forget, my Dad also brought over our Christmas present!!  Yes, we’re now the proud owners of our very own HDTV.  It’s wonderful (or, as MM put it, “It’s the most yeutiful TV ever!”).

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MM spent half of last night wandering around in circles saying “Sesame Street was brought to you today by the number…” (no number included).  Over and over and over.


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Not much new…

I know that I flubbed Nanopoblo by missing a few days here and there, but I thought I’d keep everyone up to date on things here.

Although, honestly, not much is up.  Which is good.  I spent part of yesterday afternoon fretting about 2.0’s quietness, but he was apparently saving it up for last night.  Jack LaLaine has nothing on this kid.

BP’s still good – systolic is slightly elevated (130s), but diastolic – the one that usually gives me trouble – is holding in the 70s.  Itching: still there.  Hemorrhoids: been there for two+ years, not going anywhere.  Gas/belching/interesting, um, excrement: present and accounted for, although they may be exacerbated by some weird virus that M. and MM seem to have.  I never actually heard of a virus that makes you have serious gas and belching (same thing?), but both of them have got it bad and have had it for several days now.  MM finally gave up the ghost yesterday and got some out (sorry about the TMI – this is my life right now), but M. stayed home from work citing worries about not making it, um, intact.  As it were.  I might have it too, but since I’ve been having a lot of gas/belching/weird excrement for months now, it’s kind of hard to tell.

Ain’t pregnancy grand?

Did a little work on the diss stuff yesterday – mainly trying to flesh out the argument that’s been giving me so much trouble these past few months.  If I just sat down and wrote I’d probably have it, but since neither my brain nor my schedule is entirely conducive to this, it just kind of rattles around my head until I don’t know if it works as an argument or is actually the most simple-minded observation to ever come down the pike.  I think there’s an argument in there; what I have to do now – and am resisting with all of my subconscious might – is sit down with the “existing literature” and see if what I’m saying about everyone else holds water or not.  If it does, then I probably have a case.  If I’m overstating things, then I’m back to square one.

In other news, I’m having weird dreams lately.  I hadn’t had them for most of the pregnancy, but all of a sudden I’m channeling David Lynch.  Not bad, exactly, but weird.

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The Indignity

Well, add PUPPP (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) to my list of things that are currently making three weeks seem like an eternity. I’ve got helpful people telling me not to scratch, and I’m using hydrocortizone cream, but my stomach itches anyway and the scratching feels goooood. For at least 10 seconds.

On the plus side – the very, very plus side – I don’t have any symptoms of anything worse (like, oh, say, Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, which is what happens when your liver decides that it’s just had enough and starts to crap out. Which I know because that’s basically what happened when I got mono a few years ago. Which also resulted from having sex with M., and so what have we learned???).

Seriously, though, the second condition is much worse than the first, dangerous to both mother and baby, and I really, really would rather just be scratching my belly in undignified bliss.

BP is still behaving, though – always good. It’s generally been running in the 130s/70s, which is well below the threshold to call the doctor. I’m stupidly uncomfortable at this point – walking a few feet is its own kind of hell, or, at least, heck – and three weeks seems a lot like…more than three weeks right now.

Add to this the fact that I’m supposed to send something to my diss group this week – yes, the one I haven’t been actively participating in for months – and I currently have zip, nada, zilch to send, and this is looking to be a really pfffffft week. If I can get a comprehensive outline of Ch. 2 to send off, I’ll count myself lucky; and if I get booted from the group for not doing better, well, I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get out of the group for ages, so that’s not necessarily a bad potential outcome.

Well, I’m off to try and, um, take care of business in spite of the hemorrhoids – because, yes, pregnancy is ALL about the glow of impending motherhood. Really.

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Bobble-head Baby

Well, based on the ultrasound yesterday, 2.0 has the body of a 35-weeker and the head of a 39-weeker.  Yes, he has a gigantic head.  That’s currently just millimeters away from my cervix.

This explains a lot.

Happily, there didn’t seem to be any fluid on the brain – unless we hear otherwise, it looks like he just has a gigantic head.  Which would not be out of the realm of possibility, given his parentage (neither M. nor I can wear ‘normal’ sized hats).  Also happily, the cervix is still long and closed, so unless he gets impatient and decides to use his abnormally large head as a battering ram, he shouldn’t be trying to get out anytime soon.

We got an interesting look at him chewing, of all things.  I’ve seen a few things on ultrasound, but none of them were as weird as that.  What is he chewing?  Why is he chewing?  Is this something he needs to be practicing right now?  He was also frowning, which makes me think that he’s going to arrive on the scene pissed and ready to go down on a pizza or something.

I had thought (hoped?) that the days of the dildo-cam were behind me, but nooooooo.  Because of 2.0’s gigantic head and its positioning way the hell down in my pelvis, the technician couldn’t get a look at the cervix without using the damned thing.  As always, I was glad to have taken a shower before I went.

At any rate, that’s where we’re currently sitting.  Baby: gigantic head.  Riding so low as to make walking for any distance virtually impossible.  Mommy: heavy with child.  So very, very heavy.  And half of a mind that if the head is full term, couldn’t we just deliver now and be done with it?

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The Thankful Post

Since this blog – at least lately – seems to be all-complaining-all-the-time, I thought I’d take a minute today to mention that I actually am very thankful for the many blessings in my life.

To wit:

– yesterday’s ob/gyn appt. went well.  Blood pressure was behaving remarkably well (even at the dr.’s office, it was ‘only’ in the 140s/80s, which for me is nearly unheard of.  I don’t know why it’s being so low, but I’ll take what I can get.  The doctor also reassured me that the only kind of bad movement is no movement, and she seemed happy to hear that 2.0, so far, is Mr. Regularity when it comes to movement (he has fairly quiet mornings, gets a little rambunctious in the mid-afternoon, and tries to kill me from the inside anytime after about 9:30 pm – which, magically, coincides with my nightly gigantic bowl of chocolate ice cream, so I’m thinking there’s a connection there?  Maybe?).  And I’d only gained trace weight (2.0 eats all the ice cream himself, apparently), so that’s good, too.  Next appt (barring issues): Dec. 4.

– I have M.  Despite the fact that there’s a little part of me that wants to go in to the bedroom right now and wake up his sleeping-in ass (!!), I love him.  He’s generous (gave MM a bath and fetched me beverages and abovementioned gigantic bowl of ice cream, complete with Cool Whip and sprinkles, all without complaining.  And then let me put my head in his lap for my nightly pre-bed drool nap).  He’s hardworking, almost to a fault (not so much in terms of being a workaholic, although he does tend to fret about work at home, but in terms of being a real stickler for doing a good job, come hell or high water.  He doesn’t believe it, I don’t think, but it’s one of the things I love most about him.  I hate half-assed work, which would characterize most of what I’ve gotten done in the last year or two).  He’s cute as a button, in that Lance Ito kind of way.  He’s getting better and better at the Dad thing, to the point that I’m not as worried about what kind of help he’ll be once 2.0 is on the scene.  I’m just grateful that I get to wake up every morning to see him there next to me, even if the first thing I do is bat his arm away (he’s a cuddler.  I am not.).

– MM.  What don’t I love about this kid?  I even love her contrary streak/river/fjord, because it says that she’s got spirit.  She’s smart as a whip (gifted?  Who cares?), funny (this is very true – she’s a riot, and she kind of knows it), hammy, strange – I mean, she’s just a great kid.  I’ve been a crap mommy lately, but she’s handling it better than she should and I just don’t know what I’d do without her in our lives.

– My family.  I think one reason my BP is behaving is that I’ve got emotional backup nearby.  As much as I miss all of my far-flung friends, at this point in my life it’s a lot more important to me that I’m close to my family.  And I’m grateful to M. for his understanding this; I enjoy his family a lot, but right now I need mine.  I’m grateful that MM feels as comfortable at my parents’ house as our own; once 2.0 shows up, we’re going to need as many people as possible to help ease her transition from only child to big sister.

– My brains.  I’m no genius (see below post about the keys, if you’re not sure), but I’m no fool, either.  I’m stuck on my dissertation, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t think I have it in me to write the thing.  I just can’t seem to get through the brain-fog of motherhood…something that’s going to have to be rectified if I want any chance of finishing the stupid thing.  But I think I have it in me, still.

– My experiences to date.  My life can pretty much be summed up as So Far So Good.  It’s a heck of a ride, but I’m enjoying it. 🙂

I hope everyone Stateside has a terrific Thanksgiving, and I’ll see you on the other side!

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More memey goodness!

This time from Rose; I saw it a few days ago, and since it takes more thought than I had at that moment, I put it off until now. I love memes – have I mentioned that??

*I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments.. what is it?

1. Produce —> potatoes
2. bakery —> donuts
3. Meat —> thin sliced ribeye for yakiniku
4. Frozen —> Edy’s chocolate ice cream
5. Dry goods —> Diapers

* Let’s say we’re heading out for a weekend getaway. You’re only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what’s in your bag?

1. white cotton nightgown
2. the one pair of maternity pants that currently fit
3. at least four pairs of underwear, because I keep changing them (not a hygiene issue so much as a fit issue)

* If I was to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?

1. “I’m still heavy with child” (in response to “How are you doing today?”)
2. “I just want to pick on you” (in response to being in the same room with M.)
3. “Is that good [fill in name of food]?” – said to MM
4. “M****, pick up the toys NOW!”
5. “That’s a beautiful picture! I love the circles and colors!”

* So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn’t get to do, you’d probably be in a pretty irritable/bad mood?

1. Taking a nap.
2. Sleeping at night.
3. Getting dressed (I hate spending the day in my pajamas)

* What are 3 things that you have in your home that have been with you for the longest amount of time?

1. HKIS school yearbooks
2. My baby blanket (which MM has adopted as her own, stains and all)
3. A wonderfully 70s Japanese-esque piggy bank from Hong Kong (I should post a picture – it’s sooooo ‘disco’)

* If you were only allowed to listen to 5 of your CDs for the rest of your life, never adding anything else, which 5 could you listen to & be content with?

1. Kung Fu Hustle soundtrack
2. Hotei’s Greatest Hits
3. some compilation CD that would include lots of disparate stuff I like
4. Evita soundtrack (I just think, as movie musical soundtracks go, these guys took an okay musical and made it something special)
5. David Bowie’s Greatest Hits

* Sweet, you just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We’re talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?

1. sleep
2. sleep
3. slowly wake up
4. organize my office (this would give me pleasure – seriously)
5. flip channels

* We’re going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it’ll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?

1. elephants
2. monkeys
3. pandas

* You just scored tickets to the taping of any show of your choice. You can pick between 5, so what are you deciding between?

1. The Daily Show
2. Dr. Phil (because I need to know – I have a burning need to know – if they have wardrobe for the audience; I mean, everyone is always freakishly well dressed)
3. America’s Funniest Home Videos (same reason; plus, I want to see if there really isn’t anything in the glasses on the tables – they look empty to me)
4. Friends (in the past)
5. The Colbert Report

* You’re hungry for ice cream. I’ll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?

1. chocolate
2. mint chip
3. chocolate chip cookie dough

* Somebody stole your purse/wallet … In order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what’s in there?

1. a crumpled (clean) diaper
2. a shell
3. an amulet (omamori) for my now-past yakudoshi
4. a highlighter pen
5. my Nine West wallet

* You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let’s pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 3 careers would be fun for you?

1. sculptor
2. novelist
3. cellist

* If you could go back and talk to the old you, who you were in high school, and inform yourself of 6 things, what would it be?

1. Just tell the guy you like that you like him – you’ll live.
2. Don’t think you’re fat – you don’t even know what fat is.
3. Don’t worry so damned much.
4. Stick with the Cantonese class, idiot.
5. Enjoy your time in Hong Kong while you can – you’ll never go back to live there.
6. Learn how to love the curly hair.

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Oo, oo!

Diapers, Budgets, & Paint tagged me for a meme! Seriously, I love a good meme. Really.

4 jobs I have had:
English teacher in Japan
Research Assistant for a Japanese newspaper in DC
Study Abroad Coordinator for a Japanese women’s college
Film projectionist (16 mm only)

Anyone want to guess how my Social Security balance is looking?

4 movies I love to watch over and over again:
A Better Tomorrow
Addams Family Values
Chinese Odyssey, Part II
Fiddler on the Roof

This one is really hard, since my biggest joy in life is showing film clips to other people

4 places I have lived:
Lubbock, TX
Hong Kong
Stamford, CT

4 tv shows I enjoy watching:
Project Runway
The Daily Show

4 places I have been:
Guangzhou (in the late 70s and again in the early 80s)

4 websites I visit daily:
The Washington Post
Google Reader

4 favorite foods:
Hokka-hokka’s “Chicken Basket”
Bulgogi (M.’s influence)
My mom’s chicken fried steak
Fried okra

4 places I would rather be:
At my dissertation defense
At the hospital, 24 hours post-partum w/ a healthy baby
Gainfully employed in the Kansai region
On vacation in Hawaii

I tag anyone reading – I’m just so pleased to have a meme to pass on! 😉

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